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Monday, 30 September 2013

How to backup android application

When you want to installing new custom firmware for improve overall performance of your device, but you avoid them , because after  installing new ROM will remove all application. AppBak is an android application that can be used to backup application that you install from Google Play Store. AppBak is very easy tool and your application are saved as text file . You can be restore directly form Google Play Store in single click per application.

AppBak you show two button , restore apps and backup apps , once you need to click for backup and after rename the file for backup time access. This app is user friendly , it's create a text backup  of all application, you can use in to backup the application from the text save by simple click on them and it will redirect to Google Play Store where you can download the latest version of their all apps.

Download AppBak Application (Click Here)
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