Hi All..
Everyone is worried about the Viruses. Viruses are growing faster and more dangerous with the moderation and advancement of Internet Technology. If we have a view we have to say that for saving us from Virus is very difficult but Not Impossible.
- All of you must make Backup of your important files Even your whole hard disk.
- Attach U.S.B or any other hard and Must use it after Antirus Scanning.
- Never check any E-mail received from a stranger and also never download any file for whom your knowledge is Zero..
- Common Extentions through whicj Viruses are attached are .exe .vbs .txt .doc .pif .lnk Prohibit these Extentions files to download.
- Always download Stuff from top ranking or Officical site, May be someone have attached their viruses with files which are downloaded from ordinary and Non-ranked sites.
I hope so this Information is much useful for You people.
Thanks For reading this Post.
Regards: Rdx