How To Add Anyone’s Face To Your Facebook Chat
------------------........This post will definitely make your chat experience better.
Now most of you must be using Facebook for quite a while now, so you must be aware of what a ” USERNAME ” is. It will amuse you to know that YOU CAN USE DISPLAY PICS OF ANY USER,OFFICIAL PAGE,EVENT as an emotion. To use this just follow the steps below.
1. Go to any users profile,official page or event on Facebook.
2. Check the URL.
Look for the USERNAME at the end of URL like 'RestLessguy.SK' at the end of "http:://"
OR you can look for profile id at the end of the URL like 100000772296658 at the end of
3. Copy the username or the profile id and paste it within double bracket like [[akhilkomachi]] or [[RestLessguy.SK]]
4. Enter this into your Facebook chat and this will appear as profile picture of the person,page or event.